The Principles Defined
The Foundation Principles
The dictionary defines FAITH as “the complete trust or confidence in someone or something.” While the Bible states it’s “the assurance of things hoped for, and evidence of things unseen.” Hebrews 11:1. Combine them and the foundation of LIVE JOY is revealed. With complete trust in God you are blessed with the assurance of the things hoped for—peace, healing, purpose. Faith does not come easily, like a muscle it must be exercised. But even FAITH the size of a mustard seed can move a mountain, and give your pain a purpose.
Hope is the back-up plan when your faith is uncertain and tells a story of a better tomorrow. It breaks the bond of despair even if all seems lost. Hope is the flicker of light in the midst of the darkness. No matter what has brought you down or knocked you out—hope is your reprieve. Isaiah 40:31 “Those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength.” Hope can change everything.
“And now these three remain, FAITH, HOPE and LOVE, the greatest of these is LOVE.” 1 Corinthians 13:13. Love is the greatest of all emotions. Though love is defined in this world by many things, the most important definition remains “God is LOVE.” 1 John 4:8 Love is the foundation of who you are meant to be. Love is pure, unadulterated JOY. When you learn to live in LOVE for God, others and yourself, you capture the essence of THE LIVE JOY LIFE.
The Supporting Principles
From simple to life altering, you’ve all searched for answers. Caught up in the chaos of life’s craziness, or struggling through something painful, it’s easy to feel lost, confused, or alone. But you don’t have to feel that way. Through the gift of the Holy Spirit you are divinely guided at all times. Recognizing divine inspiration requires practice, but in it there is great JOY. The inspiration you long for can arise as a gut feeling, a gentle thought, or a word from a friend, but when you open your hearts to His inspired guidance you find a “peace that surpasses all understanding,” Philippians 4:7.
Forgiveness is essential. You absolutely can’t LIVE JOY without forgiveness—of yourself and others. Though forgiveness is required, it is rarely easy. Holding on tight to your anger often feels like the only control you have over the one who has caused your pain. It becomes your constant companion. Sometimes the most important distinction is realizing forgiveness does not have to mean reconciling, but rather, forgiveness untangles all the knots and sets pain and resentment free.
Fortitude is more than courage. It’s bravery. Fortitude is trudging on through pain even when it’s knocked you down again and again. Fortitude pushes you to get back up and move forward in spite of pain or fear, because fortitude knows God has your back. How can courage through pain bring you joy? When you’ve forged on in the face of adversity and come out stronger on the other side, that, Sisters, is JOY.
Gratitude is a shift in your emotions. When you can begin to count your blessings rather than your sorrows, you can begin to fully lean toward and experience JOY. Gratitude is choosing to see what’s right with life rather than what’s wrong. It turns not enough into abundance. Gratitude can turn depression into hope, fear into fortitude and pain into purpose.
“Give, and it will be given to you...For with the measure you use, it will be measured to you.” When you give generously from your heart, something changes within you. The focus of life becomes less about what is best for you and more about how you can serve others. There is great JOY in both giving and receiving generosity. When you feed the hungry, heal the sick, and love the unlovable, your pain begins to find a greater purpose…LIVE GENEROUSLY and LIVE JOY.
Laughter and joy must co-exist. It is physiologically impossible to be laughing and not feel joy. Mark Twain once wrote “[Humanity] has unquestionably one really effective weapon—laughter...Against the assault of laughter nothing can stand.” Fear, worry, anxiety—no negative emotion—can withstand the power of laughter. It can feel impossible in the midst of your suffering to find laughter, but when you do, you find joy. Psalm 126:2 “when our mouths are filled with laughter, our tongues with songs of joy.”
CHOICE reminds you, we are all born with the capacity for unending joy. But joy can’t come from the outside, because you can’t control the world, only your reaction to it. Reactions like grief are natural for a period of time and shouldn't be looked at as an inability to feel joy again. In the midst of your pain, the choice may be to lean on the helping hands of friends or family or look with joy on the memories. CHOICE is about making a shift.
CARE OF SELF is often the most widely neglected principle. Why? Because you are mothers, sisters, wives, employees, dream chasers and go-getters. And in the midst of providing for others, you forget about the importance of taking care of your body and soul. Joy resides best in a body taken care of spiritually, emotionally and physically. Taking care of yourself is not selfish—it’s essential.
Stillness is mental, emotional and physical. It’s taking time to go beyond the chaos of life to sit quietly with our Lord. Psalm 46:10 “Be STILL and KNOW that I am God.” These few short words remind you to STILL yourselves from the busyness, hurt, and craziness to spend a few moments in the arms of your Savior. To know He is God, means you can trust in His promise. You can trust He will do more than show you the way through the storm, He will calm the waves. Stillness is where worry ceases and God exists. When you quiet your minds, hearts, and souls—you find stillness. You find JOY.